







The closest margin in any elected race in Southeastern WA from the August primary will go to a mandatory recount.

   Recount set for Benton County Commissioner Seat -2-

We know Michael Alvarez will be on the ballot in November. The Richland City Councilman-Mayor has been active in area politics for the GOP for some time, and he easily cruised his way to a November ballot slot.

However, who he faces is still up for grabs.

After certification day came and went on August 16th, Benton County election officials said the margin between Barry Bush and Bill Jenkin was so close it triggers an automatic and mandatory recount.


Benton Commissioners Race position 2 triggers recount (Benton County Auditor)
Benton Commissioners Race position 2 triggers recount (Benton County Auditor)

Just 33 votes separate the two GOP challengers, Jenkin with 4.145, while Bush has 4.112.  Alvarez picked up 7,559.

In Washington state's jungle primary, the top two vote-getters in every race advance to the general in November, regardless of party affiliation. In this case, come November, both candidates will prefer the Republican party as both Bush and Jenkin prefer the GOP as well as Alvarez.

No word on when the recount will be finished.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

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