It's not the show "Cops" but Yakima Police could soon be filmed as part of a documentary series designed to show the daily life of local Officers.
The Yakima City Council Tuesday is expected to review a letter of agreement between the city and Category 6 Media.

All the legal stuff is happening now to prepare for filming

The company is now attempting to gain access to the department for filming in the spring and summer. According to the city "the Series will feature current
investigations and ride-alongs by Production with the Department, as well as focusing on
earlier history regarding the Department and their cases."
When finished officials say the series could be purchased by networks and streaming companies.

A pool design is about to start for a new pool in Yakima

In other business the council will authorize an agreement with Architecture firm for Aquatic Pool Design Services for a proposed pool at Martin Luther King Jr. Park on South 8th Avenue in Yakima.
Council members will also recognize the Retirement of Judge Susan Woodward and Municipal Court Services Manager Linda Hagert

You can be at the meeting or watch it on Zoom

The meeting will be held via Zoom and in person at Yakima City Hall, 129 N. 2nd Street. It starts at 5:30 pm. Live public comment on agenda items via Zoom is available. Click Public Comment | City Council ( for instructions and a Public Comment Request Form.

Another option is to call in and listen to the meeting:
Dial 1-253-215-8782 or 1-971-247-1195
When prompted for the meeting ID enter 992 1788 8522 #
When prompted for the participant ID enter #
When prompted for the meeting password enter 470840 #

The January 17th Yakima City Council regular meeting will air live at 5:30 pm on Y-PAC, Charter Spectrum Channel 194, and stream live at

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