OUCH!!! Where Does It Hurt, Washington?
I’m getting older, and I’m feeling it. We all are!
I used to long for a lazy Saturday morning when I could stay in bed and sleep in. Not anymore!
After a good 6 and a half to 7 hours of lying there, my back tells me it’s time to get up and face the world.
Then I get out of bed, and the snap, crackle, and pops start to hit, making me feel less like me and more like Rice Krispies.
I’m fortunate, that for the most part, I am in good health, and after I get moving, my pains tend to work themselves out, but many aren’t so fortunate.
In a survey from Talker Research and Ancestral Supplements of 2,000 Americans, almost half suffer from chronic pain.
The average age at which people start feeling the aches and pains is 37 years old.
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And the areas that were most common to be in agony are the shoulders (29%), Neck (29%), and the legs (39%), but the back was a real sore spot.
How Do They Deal With Their Pain?
According to the survey, many consult their doctors, but nearly half have done the one thing that EVERYONE (I’ve ever met) says not to do… GOOGLE their symptoms.
The survey broke down what the respondents would give up to feel better, how much they would pay for answers, and the tactics they use to combat their pain.

Natural Remedies for Back Pain
Gallery Credit: Nikki Vega
15 of the Grossest, Most Painful Things You Can Step on Barefoot
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