Help Tri-Cities Police Find This Identity Theft Suspect Now
The Kennewick police want to know if you recognize this lady.

Tri-Cities Police Looking for Identity Theft Suspect
The Kennewick and Pasco police departments are looking for the woman pictured above as a suspect in an alleged identity theft. The woman allegedly used a stolen ID at multiple Gesa locations around the Tri-Cities area. Identity theft is a big problem in Washington State and 41% of identity theft occurring in Washington State is from credit card fraud. Washington State citizens lose just over an estimated $29 million to identify theft each year. Did you know that 70% of identity theft is caused by thieves using either the phone or email to get your information?
Identity Theft Suspect Drives a Silver Nissan SUV
She has reddish brown hair and looks to be middle-aged from the low-resolution screenshot taken at the ATM. We also know she drives a darker silver or grey Nissan SUV. If you have any idea who this woman is or see her on the street, do not approach her but instead contact the Kennewick Police Department at (509) 628-0333 or kpdtips.com. Learn more about the risks of identity theft in Washington State at ID Strong.