Pacific Science Center

The Top 10 Best Museums in Seattle That Aren’t Just Rooms of Old Junk
The Top 10 Best Museums in Seattle That Aren’t Just Rooms of Old Junk
The Top 10 Best Museums in Seattle That Aren’t Just Rooms of Old Junk
Every museum is a different story. Some museums feature the town's history or artifacts from a time once forgotten through generations. Museums can also feature fun learning experiences or a walk-through timeline of science where, before you know it, you just had a lot of fun and, as it turns out, you learned something...
Washington state's best summer family activities 
Washington state's best summer family activities 
Washington state's best summer family activities 
I don’t know about you but I’m calling this summer. I know summer does not start until June 21st but come on... it’s summer. This is the time of year when you are looking for things to do as a family. Places to get away to, things that you don’t get to do every day.