
Do you have lead pipe in your Washington water system?
Do you have lead pipe in your Washington water system?
Do you have lead pipe in your Washington water system?
Lead pipe goes all the way back to Roman times, but even the Romans knew that drinking water from lead pipe might make you sick. It wasn't until the early 1900s that we realized the danger of lead poisoning. By 1930 most people were using copper instead of lead pipe for their homes, but it wasn't until 1986 that lead pipe was actually banned from use in the United States for transporting water...
Washington Smoke Management Plan Approved
Washington Smoke Management Plan Approved
Washington Smoke Management Plan Approved
The Smoke Management Plan regulates prescribed burning on forest land aimed at reducing fuel loading, restoring forest ecosystems, and potentially reducing the risk to communities from catastrophic wildfires, while minimizing air quality impacts from smoke.
Moses Lake Discovers Chemicals in Domestic Water Supply, Takes Wells Offline
Moses Lake Discovers Chemicals in Domestic Water Supply, Takes Wells Offline
Moses Lake Discovers Chemicals in Domestic Water Supply, Takes Wells Offline
The City of Moses Lake is taking action after the discovery of unwanted chemicals in its domestic water system. The substances were found after water from several of the City's wells was tested. "We tested the wells and four of them came back with detections for certain chemicals," explained the City's Water Division manager Chad Strevy...

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