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The violations were uncovered by Labor and Industries.

 Company can continue to operate if they pay off fines

Eagle Labor Contractors was investigated by  L& I after receiving a tip about the firm. According to L & I:

"Alerted by a tip, an L&I investigation found that Eagle Labor Contractors operated without a license, failed to provide workers with complete disclosure statements, transported workers without a license, and failed to provide a surety bond, which gives workers a recourse if the contractor fails to meet its obligations. As a result, they face L&I fines of $138,250."

State laws require companies to keep a disclosure statement, which tells workers what kind of work they will be performing, where the job sites are, type of crops, methods of transportation and more.

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That was considered the most serious offense.  L & I said if the company makes its fine payments, broken into fourths, they can continue to operate. Otherwise, they could potentially lose their license.

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