Man Arrested After Trash Burning Triggers Big Grant County Fire
According to the Grant County Sheriff's Office, the fire eventually consumed at least 80 acres, and caused damages. The area inside the yellow lines is what burned.
Man arrested for reckless burning.
The fire, which was named the Road 20 Fire, was triggered Tuesday by a man who was burning trash near Soap Lake.
Authorities say the fire quickly spread along Road 20 to several other parcels and eventually was corralled and put out, but not before it did damage. There were also some short-lived evacuations, but no actual homes were consumed.
The GCSO says four RV's, four vehicles, and seven outbuildings were all destroyed by the fire, most of them along Road B.5 Northeast, not far from Soap Lake. A man sustained some injuries, due to smoke inhalation, but will be OK, also a pregnant woman was checked by EMS but refused further assistance.
The accused burner, 25-year-old David Tesyluk of Soap Lake, is facing at least one count of Felony 1st Degree Reckless Burning. It's a felony because property damage and/or personal injury resulted from his actions.

He was arrested and booked in the Grant County jail, and Wednesday made an appearance before a judge.