Cashmere Cemetery Reaches Nearly 95% Capacity, Fees Raised as a Result
City of Cashmere is raising their cemetery fees due to space scarcity.
According to their 2023 preliminary budget, cemetery lot purchases have increased from $1,100 to $1,700 for adults, $550 to $1,100 for infants, and $900 to $1,500 to spread cremated ashes on a lot.
Cashmere Mayor Jim Fletcher said they have reached 90-95% of their fill capacity.
Mayor Fletcher said he is not concerned about the cemetery filling up, stating that there are families who have already reserved some lots for family members.
“You can put mom and dad in the same space, so to speak, one on top of the other, so there's ways of stacking caskets in a proper fashion,” Fletcher said. “There's still ways of getting a little more use out of it, but eventually, there is only a finite amount of space and infinite number of people.”
The city may be looking into purchasing more land for the cemetery in the future.